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2nd Summer School in Nisyros Geopark
The 2nd Summer School in Emborios, Nisyros, from 28 May – 5 June 2023 was successfully completed.
The Summer School was co-organized by the Inter-institutional Postgraduate Programme “WATER, BIOSPHERE AND CLIMATE CHANGE” (NKUA – DIPAE – UNESCO Con-E-Ect Chair).
The Summer School took place in the emblematic building of the Old Primary School in Emborios of Nisyros, which has been granted by the Municipality of Nisyros to the Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment of the Department of Geology and Geo-environment of the NKUA and the UNESCO Con-E-Ect Chair of the IHU.
Universities and researchers from the fields of Meteorology and Climatology, Geology, Forestry, Ecology and the Natural Environment participated with a variety of lectures and field exercises on the island of Nisyros, which is considered a natural sciences laboratory.
The postgraduate students who participated in the Summer School, completed both the theoretical course and fieldwork, such as laboratory exercises involving micro-bioclimatic measurements in the settlements of Nisyros, dendrochronology for reconstructing the climate of Nisyros in the past 200 years, air quality and environmental measurements in the volcano of Nisyros and the geological evolution of the active volcano of Nisyros over time.