A “Green”
Nisyros is of great interest both because of its volcanic nature and its geographical location on the migration routes of Asian species to Southern Europe, and vice versa. The recorded presence of 450 species of flora, 85 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles, as well as the presence of the Monachus-monachus seal on the shores, make Nisyros a place worthy of special protection and study.
The whole area of the Geopark is protected Natura 2000 area (GR4210032 NISOS NISYROS KAI NISIDES), with a total area of 4.730,83 hectares, as well as the southern part of Nisyros, Strongyli and the coastal zone (GR4210007), of a total area of 17.823,80 hectares. It is also characterized as Place of Significant Natural Beauty. An area of approximately 16.100 hectares, from the north of the island to the middle of it, is considered as a wildlife refuge.
01. Flora
Totally, 450 species of flora have been recorded, thus rendering Nisyros the only green active volcano of the Aegean.
During the most recent volcanic activity of 1873-1877, the flora of the craters area was utterly destroyed. Today, the vegetation of the area is thriving on a soil formed from caldera-fill products, and its most important species are: Cistus creticus, C. salviifolius, Sarcopoterium spinosum and Erica manipuliflora. Enough moisture is retained in the nutrient-rich volcanic soil, ashes and pumice to provide the necessary humidity for the flora to thrive (e.g. endemic C.Nisyria), especially during spring, composing sceneries of incomparable beauty.
The ‘Hanging Garden of Diavatis’ is a well-known oasis of high walnut, fig and pear trees grown inside the flat circular crater of Prophitis Ilias dome collapse. The wild olive tree (Olea europaea sylvestris) used to be cultivated in the area since ancient times (60.000 years ago), as fossilized leaves have been found inside ash layers of the same age.
02. Fauna
A significant crossroads for wildlife.
Nisyros is a place that requires special protection and study, as it is implied by the 85 bird species, 7 species of reptiles and the Monachus-monachus seal at the coasts of the island. Some examples include the partridge Alectoris chukar, with the local name Perdika and the owl Athena noctual as well as the lizard Agama stelio with the local name ‘Kourkoutavlos’ that is known only from Nisyros and the neighboring Turkish coast. There are also many free grazing animals like goats, pigs and cows.
Many areas in the geopark’s territory have been officially designated as wildlife refuges on a national level. These include the areas of Ag. Ioannis Theologos, Lakki, Trapezina, Prof. Ilias of Nisyros, the islets Pacheia and Pergousa and the islets of Strongyli and Kandelioussa.
Cyclamen hederifoliumFamily: Primulaceae
Genus: Cyclamen L.
Species: Cyclamen hederifolium -
Crocus longiflorusFamily: Iridaceae
Genus: Crocus
Species: C. longiflorus -
Nisyros BellflowerFamily: Campanulaceae
Genus: Campanula
Species: Campanula Nisyria -
Valonia oakFamily: Fagaceae
Genus: Quercus
Species: Q. macrolepis -
Hanging Garden of Diavatis
Euphorbia rigidaFamily: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Euphorbia
Species: E. rigida -
CalicotomeFamily: Fabaceae
Genus: Calicotome
Species: C. villosa -
Almond TreeFamily: Rosaceae
Genus: Prunus
Species: P. amygdalus
Long-legged buzzardFamily: Accipitridae
Genus: Buteo
Species: B. rufinus -
Bonelli's eagleFamily: Accipitridae
Genus: Aquila
Species: A. fasciata -
European rollerFamily: Coraciidae
Genus: Coracias
Species: C. garrulus -
Peregrine falconFamily: Falconidae
Genus: Falco
Species: F. peregrinus -
Masked shrikeFamily: Laniidae
Genus: Lanius
Species: L. nubicus -
Woodchat shrikeFamily: Laniidae
Genus: Lanius
Species: L. senato -
Mediterranean monk sealFamily: Phocidae
Genus: Monachus
Species: M. monachus -
Stellagama stellioFamily: Agamidae
Genus: Stellagama
Species: S. stellio -
Wild Goats